Loupe of Kindness

As some of you know, this page was originally titled, Community of Kindness.  However, April which is my birth month always brings me new ideas and a renewed sense of discovery.  Hence the page's re-titling, Loupe of Kindness.   I've chosen Loupe instead of Community to better suit the significance  of small acts of kindness which are writ large due to their timeliness -- just as the watchmaker uses his or her loupe, held to the eye to magnify a work in progress.

The intent of the page remains the same:  To highlight the ongoing email exchanges, conversations, and other communications I’ve had with various professional and personal friends and acquaintances as I've become a blogger.  Each of them has in some way contributed to my ongoing knowledge and/or writing this blog or introduced me to the numerous aspects of horology including clocks, watches, and sundials.

To all of you, THANK YOU for keeping me resilient, creative, and inquisitive.  You are all now in my Loupe of Kindness!

Sally Stokes (June 2017): A long time coming for this entry, but the delay only underscores the importance of the selection.  Sally contacted me after I posted a call on the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) listsev to identify fellow bloggers in the Association who write or contribute to blogs. Sally is a member of ARLIS/NA and an electronic colleague who teaches an 800-level course at Catholic University of America in Washington DC on Art and Museum Librarianship  in late June 2017, She is doing  a mini-unit on publishing, and although she will be emphasizing professional publications  such as Art Libraries Journal and Art Documentation, she  is  drawing her students' attention to blogging by art librarians (in any capacity). She was kind  enough to alert me to June 19th as National Watch Day, a new as of  2017 National Calendar Day of Celebration.

Kirsten Oliphant (October 2016): Kirsten is a blogger's online angel. She's Smart, Directed and Full of Helpful Information.  I'm not sure how I can exactly track back to how I connected with her this past month. It's a bit of a blur. However, I can say that it started with my interest in whether Twitter was a platform I should pay more attention to using as I develop  and reach out to my own specialized blog audience. 

I remember our connection did start when I received an email from her inviting me to participate in her free, two week Tweet Yo Self! Online Challenge. It was a great ride and got me to review my Twitter profile; how to curate my content; how to become a Twitter engager; and how to create a Twitter persona -- all of that and so much more

Lot's to investigate and implement over the next several months.  Kirsten and I also share a mutual love of working over cups of coffee and loving the Houston area scene. A very good match-up. Connect with her at  http://kirstenoliphant.com/.          

Zachary Petit (September 2016): Zak is a well-known freelancer whose book, The Essential Guide to Freelance Writing: How to Write,Work & Thrive On Your Own Terms I featured in my sister blog, Strolling Among the Watches.  As is my practice, I try to contact individuals I've mentioned in my own posts to let them know I have written about them.  

Zak has his own expression for this: "Practice the Art of the Literary Thank You Note."  I'm glad I did -- as Zak responded to me with an e-thank you filled with warmth and encouragement as well as commenting that I had a "great blog!"  Just what I needed to continue to believe in taking time to follow-up with those who have provided content for my musings.  Read Zak's book if you aspire to write or need to jump start a lapse in your writing efforts.      

Adam Harris (August 2016):  Mr. Harris is one of NAWCC's horological consultant/curator/educators.  He is fast making an international name for himself as a horological celebrity in the world of watchmakers, auctioneers, and other purveyors including pawn brokers for his research and teaching on how to discern genuine luxury watches from counterfeit ones.

When I first contacted him to get some background information about my May post, Two Places at Once: Hamilton's Original Dual Time Zone Watches, I received a very helpful explanation as to why he still uses the convenience of a dual time watch as he travels between various countries to adjust his body clock to his destination. That led to my writing a July post, Watches Luxury of Lie: Pawnbrokers Learn to Identify on his appearance at the National Pawnbrokers Association's Pawn Expo 2016 where he offered two sessions highlighting material he presents in his Luxury or Lie course. This post in turn led to Adam's generous offer to allow me to publish one of his writings as my first guest post, What's In a Names? - War of Words. 

I've never met Adam or attended any of his in-person presentations. However, from my perspective as a relatively new wristwatch blogger, Adam has already demonstrated his sincere interest as a virtual NAWCC colleague dedicated to the sharing of his widespread horological knowledge and expertise. 

Julie Campisi and Barry J. Marcus (May 2016): Along with my Watch Flaneuse blog post walks, I rest each month on a "Bench" and share a book that has made a difference in my learning about watches, horology and better writing.  My April Bench highlights the book, Watches I Have Known by Barry J. Marcus and his daughter Julie Campisi.
By a rather circuitous route, not unlike the spiral of a Duo-in-Uno Balance Spring, I discovered this book when I read about it in AboutTime Magazine's  Issue #12.   Through the good email offices of Gary George Girdvainis, editor of of the AboutTime / Function 's portion I was able to reach Julie and tell her how much her father's stories captured the special nature of a watchmaker's relationship with the watches he has touched and the watch owners and watch caretakers that brought time to him for servicing. Julie responded enthusiastically and graciously, telling me how much my tribute to her father meant to both of them. It's important to share moments that move us.  

Michael Clerizo (April 2016):  In my Watch Flaneuse  blog post,Walk No. 20 A Man of Time to Follow: Michael Clerizo (3/22/2016), I paid tribute to Mr. Clerizo and his informative new column in the Wall Street Journal.  As I said in my post, if you like to read intelligent watch commentary, this is the writer to read.

I emailed Mr. Clerizo expressing this viewpoint and he graciously responded with a note that he had found my Wristwatch Redux blog "interesting" and that he particularly enjoyed the post on Bernard Berenson. He also sent me a recent WSJ article on Stepan Sarpaneva, an independent Finnish watchmaker of singular style. It's always refreshing to have a writer of Mr. Clerizo's horological stature take time to introduce one to a new watchmaker.

Mr. Clerizo has two recent, beautiful books, published by Thames & Hudson, Masters of Contemporary Watchmaking (2009) and George Daniels: A Master Watchmaker & Hist Art (2013).    

Anthony Eglin (March 2016):  I highlighted Mr. Eglin's book, The Lost Gardens: An English Garden Mystery (St. Martins Minotaur Books, 2006) in one of my Watch Flanuese blog posts. Besides being an exciting read, the discovery of a mysterious, engraved Hamilton wristwatch from the 1930's plays an important role in this exciting horticultural mystery.  I subsequently contacted Mr. Eglin to tell him about my post  and received a very encouraging reply in return. He said "It’s a fascinating site and the combination of timepieces and horticulture is certainly an intriguing one. ... "keep on blogging, you’re very good at it."

Richemont International SA (January 2016): Double Recognition to Richemont for the courteous response its Group Human Resources  provided me regarding the GEM Awards posting on my new blog, Watch Flaneuse; and for being involved in providing each member of the North American Institute of Swiss Watchmaking's Class of 2017 with student memberships to the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. As an NAWCC member, I know that this will provide the students with invaluable access to thousands of Watch and Clock Bulletin articles,  horological library materials and other resources to complement their studies. 

Melanie Faithful and Dee Magnoni (December 2014): Two Special Libraries Association members living in Santa Fe, NM who, over an early breakfast at Santa Fe’s French Café, Clafoutis, reinvigorated my sense of how networking with intelligent, enthusiastic professional colleagues can be transformative. Melanie is the Institute of Physics Publishing, Director of Latin American Sales and Dee is the Research Library Director at  Los Alamos National Laboratory.   The get-together, arranged by Melanie, reminded me of the power of connecting through engaging conversation and the lasting effect it can have on one’s own outlook and creativity. 

Stephen Buchmann  (November 2014):  I contacted Steve after publishing my Ulee's Gold post on  November 7, 2014 to let him know that I had included a reference to his book, Honey Bees; Letters from the Hive, in it.  I was not familiar with his work until I borrowed this book to do some research about bees and Tupelo honey from my local public library.  Steve graciously sent me an email, thanking me for mentioning him and then detailing his amazing career as an entomologist, writer, biological consultant, and film and TV documentarian.  Little did I know that Steve is one of the world’s leading authorities on bees and pollination.  Plus his TWELFTH book, The Reason for Flowers:  Their History, Culture and Biology, and How They Change our Lives is going to be published in July 2015 by Scribner.  You never know who you will meet through a reach out in the blogosphere!

 Patricia Holloway (September 2014);  Pat is a National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC) member, affiliated with several Texas chapters and also its Horological Art Chapter. On September 28, 2014 she presented an outstanding online webinar on Ephemeral Art.  Her presentation focused on "an overview of the evolution, distribution and imagery of 19th century advertising cards with a special focus on horology." Shortly after the presentation, I contacted Pat by email regarding my appreciation for her survey.  In true NAWCC inclusiveness, she responded with a gracious, lengthy explanation of how she became fascinated by early American watch development and marketing. 

Carolina Firpo (June 2014); Ms. Firpo is with Marketing at GaGàMilano Headquarters in Milan.  She graciously thanked me via a personal email message for my “beautiful posting” about the company’s  Brasile World Cup Collection’s Manuale 48 MM in my June 18, 2014 posting. Viva Italia! 

 Sandra Ley (April 2014);  Sandra is the first professional blogger who I submitted a comment to informing her that I had used her site's link relating to 3D printing and fashion. She had previously  shared the link with members of the Fashion, Textile & Costume Librarians Special Interest Group of ARLIS/NA.   She published my comment and graciously thanked me for letting her know of my link-out to her. 

John Foad (March 2014):  I contacted John via email about the British Sundial Society’s “Fixed Dial Record” which I saw mentioned in the NAWCC's Watch & Clock Bulletin’s March/April 2014 article titled “Shadows that Tell Time:  The Christopher St. J.H. Daniel Archive Collection.”  John, who is the BSS’s Registrar, responded with a lengthy, gracious email about his UK society, membership, its Bulletin, and its relationship with the North American Sundial Society (NASS).  He also sent me images/records of three Ian Hamilton Finlay sundials.  Based on his recommendation, I checked out the NASS and found out that it has a wonderful state registry to help one find sundials in their geographic area. 

Mel Trago (March 2014):  I contacted Mel via email about how I could be of assistance in the National Association of Watch andClock Collectors’ (NAWCC) outreach program about modern wristwatches called WatchNews. Mel who is the Creative Services Production Leader at NAWCC sent me a very informative email about how he plans to redesign the formerly Watchdig website and take it in a different direction.  His interest is in wanting Watchnews to “focus on the latest news in the wristwatch world, as well as the latest press releases and reviews.”  He is also working towards a website section with educational and industrial videos.  As a new NAWCC member, I applaud his efforts and the time he spent responding to me.

Kim Dority (March 2014):  Kim is the quintessential information professional and maintains the website, Infonista. In a phone conversation, she suggested that I consider using Alltop as a search engine to discover blogs that deal with watches and a great site to use as a personal blog aggregator.  Through her suggestion, I discovered Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger site which has excellent guidance for writing blogs and such robust watch and jewelry blogs including Fratellowatches, HODINKEE,  and WatchAllure.



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